The airport recommends arriving 3-4 hours before departure, to allow time for everything. I arrived an hour before boarding... whoops lol. Thankfully, I made it through security SO FAST. Shoutout to John Glenn Airport. Also, my two suitcases (which had to be packed within 24 hours because I procrastinated) were each borderline 50.5 lbs, but they made it through! I’ll see them again in Taiwan.
After only sleeping for three hours and taking two final exams this morning, I‘m exhausted, but I’m trying to hold off on sleep until the plane ride.
Goodbye‘s with the fam are never easy, but they are much easier when you first wake up because you don’t really process it until later. My lack of sleep, goodbye’s and the airport setting are all part of the recipe for an emotional breakdown, so we’ll see how the day goes lol. Stay tuned✌🏼
